Saturday, April 22, 2017

North Korea arrests US citizen at Airport after he had been in the country to discuss relief efforts

BREAKING: Philippine Airlines forced to making emergency landing at Sydney


A Philippine Airlines flight bound for Manila has been forced to land at Sydney Airport.

Flight PR212 was scheduled to depart Sydney at 12.45pm, but was grounded at 2.10pm, the airport said.

Nine News reported the plane had been towed off the runway.

There were no injuries.

The cause of the emergency landing is still unknown.

Source: Philippine Airlines plane makes Sydney emergency landing | Daily Mail Online

Aubin Grove train station opens on Mandurah rail line

A new $72-million train station has opened at Aubin Grove, south of Perth.

The station is between the Cockburn Central and Kwinana stations on the Mandurah line.

About 3,900 people are expected to use the station each day.

The station was opened by the new Labor Government, but Premier Mark McGowan acknowledged the former Barnett government’s role in the project.

Mr McGowan said the station was built while the line was still largely operational.

“This project represents a feat of engineering, with the station largely constructed off-site and then sections craned into place over the last 18 months,” he said.

Source: Aubin Grove train station opens on Mandurah rail line – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Vietnam executes more people than previously thought most-bloodthirsty country after China and Iran

It is the third-most-bloodthirsty country after China and Iran

At least ten Asian countries resorted to capital punishment last year, however. China is believed to be the most frequent executioner, though the number of people killed, and for which crimes, remain closely guarded secrets. The Philippines looks poised to reintroduce capital punishment—and in practice the police administer it frequently, by shooting drug suspects without the nicety of a trial.

Vietnam also shrouds capital punishment in secrecy. For years it was believed to execute just a few people a year. But a report from its Ministry of Public Security, published in the local media in February, said that 429 prisoners were executed between August 8th 2013 and June 30th 2016. That would make Vietnam the world’s third-most-prolific executioner, after China and Iran (see chart).

Vietnam has also continued sentencing people to death at a rapid clip—63 in 2016 alone, according to Amnesty’s count, which it believes is incomplete. Most of these were for drug offences.

Source: Deathly silence: Vietnam executes many more people than previously thought | The Economist

Erin Moran, Who Played Joanie on ‘Happy Days,’ Dies at 56

Erin Moran, the former child actor who played the sweet but mischievous Joanie on the television series “Happy Days” and “Joanie Loves Chachi,” has died. She was 56.

The Harrison County Sheriff’s Department in southern Indiana confirmed her death. She was found unresponsive on Saturday afternoon, and the authorities said an autopsy was pending.

Ms. Moran started acting as a child at 5, and got her first taste of television in a commercial for First Federal Bank. She went on to play minor characters in television and film in the late 1960s and early ’70s. At age 12, she landed her biggest role: Joanie, the freckle-faced troublemaker and sister of Richie Cunningham, the all-American teenager played by Ron Howard.

Over the 10-year run of “Happy Days,” Joanie transformed from the young teenager who complained about being sent to her room to a major character on the show. In later seasons, Joanie’s love interest with the aspiring musician Chachi Arcola became a major story line.

In 1982, the two characters were given their own show, “Joanie Loves Chachi,” a widely panned comedy that followed their romantic adventures and musical pursuits in Chicago. While “Happy Days” was a No. 1 hit, the spinoff with Ms. Moran and Scott Baio, who played Chachi, lasted only 17 episodes.

Minister Peter Dutton: tense with ABC re; sexual assault of a 5yo boy

AFL sees huge increase in girls signing up to play – [well done the girls/ladies]

It could be due to the popularity of the AFL Women’s competition or because they’ve finally found a way to move out of the backyard and into a club, but there has been an unprecedented surge in the number of girls and women playing AFL this winter.

For the first time, every one of the nine WA Football League clubs will field a colts, reserves and league women’s team this year.

The WA Football Commission’s female football coordinator Allana Dickie said the number of secondary schools fielding girls’ teams had grown by 44 per cent this year.

While final figures on the number of female footballers enrolled to play at community clubs were not yet available, Ms Dickie said many clubs were fielding new girls’ teams.

This would come off the back of big growth in WA in recent years, from fewer than 5,000 female footballers in 2012 to more than 70,000 last year.

“There’s definitely been a very big influx of interest,” she said.

“To have 16 new secondary teams jump on board, that to me is alarm bells that there’s been an impact on the back of this AFL Women’s comp.”

Source: Women’s AFL sees huge increase in girls signing up to play in WA – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

‘Go back to the f***ing Chinese takeaway’: AFL fan unleashes a racist rant at an Asian trainer

Donald Trump was cut from an Al Pacino film after demanding role [+ video]

donald-trump-press-conference.jpgIt’s emerged that Donald Trump shot a scene for 1992 Al Pacino drama Scent of a Woman that was swiftly cut by the film’s director, according to actor Chris O’Donnell. O’Donnell was speaking on Conan O’Brien’s US talk show when he revealed that the US President demanded that he and then-wife Marla Maples appeared in the film because location scouts wanted to shoot a scene in one of his New York hotels.

However, the Oscar-nominated director Martin Brest (Midnight Run, Beverly Hills Cop) ended up leaving the moment on the cutting room floor.

The actor, who appeared in the drama opposite Pacino and Gabrielle Anwar, described how original pages for scenes shot at the Plaza Hotel were updated to include a shot showing Trump leaving a limousine with Maples.

“It was explained to us that in order for us to film at The Plaza, we had a little walk on part for Donald and Marla.“

When asked what part Trump played, the actor told O’Brien: “It was nothing, it got cut from the movie.”

O’Donnell revealed that the duo even went through hair and makeup and ate on the film’s set.

You can watch the full clip below.

Source: Donald Trump was cut from an Al Pacino film after demanding role | The Independent

Trump: no ‘climate change’ in Earth Day message. [aren’t Dinosaurs extinct?] 

President Donald Trump’s Earth Day message greatly differed in tone from his predecessor by not mentioning climate change. He focused on jobs in the message from Washington, D.C.

This point was reiterated later in a somewhat defensive tweet. Trump said: ‘I am committed to keeping our air and water clean but always remember that economic growth enhances environmental protection. Jobs matter!’

By comparison, last year President Obama’s message in 2016 took on an urgent tone and said: ‘Human activity is disrupting the climate, and the challenge of combating climate change is one that will define the contours of our time.’

However Obama did not mention climate change in 2010 or 2012 statements, important midterm and general election years, according to AOL.

President Bush also pointed to climate change in his 2009 Earth Day statement: ‘We are taking positive steps to confront the important challenge of climate change. Our work is not done.’

President Trump’s administration, executive orders and tweets indicate he is not a believer in climate change.

Source: Trump doesn’t say ‘climate change’ in Earth Day message | Daily Mail Online

WA parking fines ‘verging on the ridiculous’ + I was fined parking on the ROAD [cul-de-sac] outside our house!

THOUSANDS of Perth motorists have been fined by councils for parking on verges and driveways outside homes.

But confusing parking rules mean while some local authorities averaged five fines daily, others didn’t issue a ticket for 12 months.

The Sunday Times asked metropolitan councils for figures to March 2017, to show how many infringements were issued to vehicles parked past letterboxes on driveway crossover strips, between property boundaries and roads.

Wanneroo appeared to top the table, with 1776 infringements for vehicles “stopped on the road or nature strip”.

The $100 tickets hit cars “in contravention of parking prohibition signs surrounding the 58 schools within the City,” community and place director Debbie Terelinck said.

Joondalup chief executive Garry Hunt said 481 $60 infringements were issued to “cars illegally parked on a verge or across a footpath”, while the bill in Nedlands came to $94,160.

City of Nedlands chief executive Greg Trevaskis said 858 infringements were issued to cars parked on roads or verges contrary to signage, 298 to cars stopped on verges, and 118 to vehicles that obstructed driveways.

South Perth Mayor Sue Doherty said 729 “no stopping” infringements ($100) and 100 “no parking” fines ($80) included road and verge offences, and it was an offence to park on crossovers in some areas. City of Vincent logged 81 infringements at $135 each…

Source: WA council parking fines ‘verging on the ridiculous’ | Perth Now

Mel B’s nanny reveals 7y affair with Spice Girl seduced her as a ‘naive and curious’ 18-year-old

MEL B’s former nanny claims they had a seven-year affair after the singer seduced her as a “naive and curious” 18-year-old.

Lorraine Gilles said the ex-Spice Girl invited her to have threesomes with her and husband Stephen Belafonte.

And she added Mel B, full name Melanie Brown, often filmed them.

In bombshell court documents filed on Friday, her lawyers say: “Gilles’ sexual and employment relationship with Brown continued for approximately seven years.

“The couple had sex sporadically, sometimes having sex multiple times in a week and at other times going months without sex.

Scary Spice Mel is seeking a divorce after ten years of marriage, with a court hearing beginning tomorrow. Lorraine says Mel’s court papers defamed her.

In a declaration seen by The Sun on Sunday she says Mel plied her with “alcohol, fame and casual sex” after she arrived in Los Angeles in 2009.

She claims she had her first threesome after the couple invited her to join them at their house for drinks.

Mel, who previously had a five-year lesbian relationship, would contact her “from time to time” for booze-fuelled romps.

READ MORE: Mel B’s former nanny reveals seven year affair with ex-Spice Girl who seduced her as a ‘naive and curious’ 18-year-old

Giant eruption on the Sun – could bring blackout mayhem on Earth next week

A MESMERISING video of a giant eruption on the surface of the Sun has been captured by NASA amid warnings space storms could bring blackout mayhem on Earth next week.

The stunning light show sees cascading loops dance across the Sun’s surface.

NASA scientists said the images were captured in an active region of the star.

The space centre said: “We have observed this phenomenon numerous times, but this one was one of the longest and clearest sequences we have seen in years.

“The bright loops are actually charged particles spinning along the magnetic field lines!”

The action was captured over about 20 hours.

This coronal hole is a vast region where the Sun’s magnetic field tears apart, allowing solar wind to escape.

Super-charged solar winds flowing from the Sun’s atmosphere are expected to reach Earth on April 23 or 24.

Source: Mesmerising video of giant eruption on the surface of the Sun – which could bring blackout mayhem on Earth next week

March for Science: Crowds join global Earth Day protests

Crowds massed in capital cities around the world Saturday to support science and evidence-based research — a protest partly fueled by opposition to President Donald Trump’s threats of budget cuts to agencies funding scientists’ work.

At the main March for Science, demonstrators gathered at Washington’s National Mall to hear speakers laud science as the force moving humanity forward, and rail against policymakers they say are ignoring fact and research in areas including climate change…

MORE HERE: March for Science: Crowds join global Earth Day protests –

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These Tiny, Cube-Shaped Satellites Are Launching Australia Back Into Space

The 1.3kg ‘cubesats’ are being sent to research the little-understood thermosphere.

The first Australian-built satellites in 15 years were launched into space by NASA on Wednesday, in what researchers hope will be the beginnings of a renewed space exploration effort by Australia.

It’s only the third time that Australian-built satellites have been sent into space, said Andrew Dempster, the director of the Australian Centre for Space Engineering Research (ACSER) at UNSW, which built two of the satellites.

The first satellite was launched back in 1967, followed by one in 2002.

“So we’ve got more hardware in space today than Australia’s had in its history,” he said.

The three ‘cubesats’ join a total of 28 satellites which were launched into space aboard a rocket from an air force station in Florida.

The tiny ‘cubesats’ weigh just 1.3kg each, but researchers say they could provide us with groundbreaking information on our weather and communication systems…

MORE: These Tiny, Cube-Shaped Satellites Are Launching Australia Back Into Space

Bob Katter Says He Doesn’t Want ‘Any Muslims’ Coming To Australia

“I shouldn’t have said that.”

Captioned “Holy f*** Bob Katter was just at the pub and I hit him up about his racist vibes and he clicked it!!!”, the video has garnered a mixed response on Facebook.

“This guy is a disrespectful little kid. Grow up all you care about is instant gratification and how many likes and shares you get it’s truly pathetic it’s sad,” one user commented.

“There is nothing wrong with exposing the truth. The guy clearly slipped up, You cannot justify racism. Keep it up PON CHO,” another used posted.

Source: Bob Katter Says He Doesn’t Want ‘Any Muslims’ Coming To Australia

Twitter trolls American Airlines ‘I used to be scared to fly because I thought the plane would crash. The good ole days’

Research: beer and peanuts better for rehydration than sports drinks or water

 Einstein intimate embrace with his secretary in new TV series Genius

Nastase says his ‘joke’ that Serena Williams’ baby would be ‘chocolate with milk’ was lost in translation – video

Truck drags car along highway 1km after California highway collision

Shocking footage

The driver of a truck that dragged a car down a Californian highway for more than a kilometre said he was unaware the car was wedged under his vehicle.

Passer-by Brian Steimke captured video of the truck barrelling down the San Bernardino County highway with the crumpled car lodged under the rear of the semi trailer.

The truck was hauling two trailers of carrots when it changed lanes and struck the car, the California Highway Patrol said.

The helpless driver can be seen waving at the truck driver’s side mirror, appearing to be trying to get his attention.

A highway patrol officer said the car was dragged for more than a kilometre before the truck finally stopped, when another motorist pulled up in front of it.

Mr Steimke approached the truck driver and ask why he travelled so far without stopping.

“I didn’t know it,” the truck driver said.

Mr Steimke replied: “What do you mean you didn’t know it, dude? He’s on your truck.

“You need to get out of your truck, right now. He’s literally on your truck.”

Source: Truck drags car along highway after California highway collision – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

AA suspends employee over fight with passenger after woman ‘hit’ with stroller

American Airlines has suspended an employee after a video showed an altercation on one of its planes involving crew, several passengers and a crying woman carrying a young child.

Key points:

  • Incident started over a dispute as to whether the woman could bring her stroller on the flight, American Airlines said
  • A video shows an American Airlines employee challenging a passenger to “hit him”
  • It comes two weeks after United Airlines came under fire for removing a 69-year-old passenger

An American Airlines employee violently took a stroller from the woman, hitting her with it and just missing her child, Facebook user Surain Adyanthaya said in a post accompanying the video he put on the site on Friday.

American Airlines said it was investigating the incident that happened before Friday’s Flight 591 from San Francisco to Dallas took off, airline spokeswoman Leslie Scott said.

The incident started over a dispute as to whether the woman could bring her stroller on the flight, Ms Scott said.

Less than two weeks ago, 69-year-old doctor David Dao was hospitalised after Chicago aviation police dragged him from a United Airlines plane sparking international outrage and a public relations nightmare for the carrier.

Source: American Airlines suspends employee over fight with passenger after woman ‘hit’ with stroller – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

North Korea threatens nuclear war with Australia saying the country is ‘within range’

North Korea has issued a blunt message to Australia, saying the nation is ‘within range’ of a nuclear strike and that following US moves in the region would be a ‘suicidal act’.

‘If Australia persists in following the US moves to isolate and stifle the DPRK and remains a shock brigade of the US master, this will be a suicidal act of coming within the range of the nuclear strike of the strategic force of the DPRK,’ the report said.

‘The Australian Foreign Minister had better think twice about the consequences to be entailed by her reckless tongue-lashing before flattering the US.’

Earlier this week Ms Bishop said on the ABC’s AM program that North Korea’s nuclear weapons program posed a ‘serious threat’ to Australia, unless it was stopped by the international community.

Source: North Korea warns Australia it is in nuclear weapon range | Daily Mail Online

BREAKING: Passengers in terror as knife man is tackled by police at Paris’ Gare du Nord

BREAKING NEWS: Passengers flee in terror as knife-wielding man is tackled by police at Paris’ Gare du Nord

A man with a knife has been arrested by police at Paris’ Gare du Nord station, sparking panic just a day before the French presidential vote.

A French police official said that a man carrying a knife walked into the station and was flagged to police, who arrested him immediately before anyone could be harmed.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because she was not authorized to speak publicly.

The Gare de Nord is one of the French capital’s top transit hubs, serving the city’s metro, suburban trains as well as intercity and high-speed trains like the Eurostar from London.

He was told to lie down and followed the orders before he was arrested.

The scene led panic among passengers who tried to flee the scene, a witness told Reuters, adding that trains have been delayed.

Source: Knife-wielding man is arrested in Paris | Daily Mail Online