Saturday, April 22, 2017

Trump: no ‘climate change’ in Earth Day message. [aren’t Dinosaurs extinct?] 

President Donald Trump’s Earth Day message greatly differed in tone from his predecessor by not mentioning climate change. He focused on jobs in the message from Washington, D.C.

This point was reiterated later in a somewhat defensive tweet. Trump said: ‘I am committed to keeping our air and water clean but always remember that economic growth enhances environmental protection. Jobs matter!’

By comparison, last year President Obama’s message in 2016 took on an urgent tone and said: ‘Human activity is disrupting the climate, and the challenge of combating climate change is one that will define the contours of our time.’

However Obama did not mention climate change in 2010 or 2012 statements, important midterm and general election years, according to AOL.

President Bush also pointed to climate change in his 2009 Earth Day statement: ‘We are taking positive steps to confront the important challenge of climate change. Our work is not done.’

President Trump’s administration, executive orders and tweets indicate he is not a believer in climate change.

Source: Trump doesn’t say ‘climate change’ in Earth Day message | Daily Mail Online

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