Friday, April 21, 2017

Shoppers blocked from Amazon, Ebay, Etsy, Alibaba if GST introduced?

Shopping sites Alibaba and Etsy have joined eBay in threatening to block Australian customers if laws to collect GST from online sales go ahead.

Their rival Amazon also expressed concerns at a Senate economics committee hearing on Friday, but stopped short of making the same threat.

Sales of less than $1,000 are not taxed under current laws but the government plans to remove this threshold for businesses with sales of more than $75,000 on July 1.

eBay’s regional boss Jooman Park agreed time would not fix the law as it was written and the e-commerce company would likely refuse to collect GST.

‘We run an $80 billion business based on one global platform. Your requirement is almost the same as just developing a separate Australian site,’ he said. Mr Park said Australians would just buy from smaller, less reputable, retailers in ‘dark parts of the web’ and lose eBay’s ‘advantage’ of trusted seller ratings.

MORE HERE: Shoppers could be blocked from Amazon, Ebay, Etsy, Alibaba | Daily Mail Online

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