Saturday, June 10, 2017

Richard Hammond crash video hurtle into corner moments before devastating supercar smash + fire

THIS is the terrifying moment Richard Hammond’s supercar hurtles around a corner, just seconds before the vehicle flips in a horrific crash.


The former Top Gear host had to be airlifted to hospital after the crash in Switzerland, cheating death when the £2m supercar crashed and burst into flames

Richard's car burst into flames and was a charred wreck

The Grand Tour presenter had been filming for the Amazon Prime show at the time of the crash.

In the latest video, the car can be seen approaching the corner before it appears to lose control, with the tyres smoking.

Just moments later, not caught in this specific video, the car is understood to have left the road and mounted a grassy verge, where Hammond was pulled from the burning vehicle.

VIDEO: Richard Hammond crash video shows Grand Tour presenter hurtle into corner moments before devastating supercar smash

IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi ‘killed in Syria’

UNVERIFIED reports from Syrian state run TV claim that the leader of Islamic State Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been killed in an air strike in the country.

The IS stronghold of Raqqa was bombed heavily overnight on Saturday, local time, with the terrorist group’s Amaq news agency revealing the damage.

In July 2014 Bakr al-Baghdadi, proclaimed a “caliphate” that covered territory in both Iraq and Syria.

False claims of his death have previously been reported.

Raqqa became a key city in IS’s self-declared caliphate, a hub for the organisation’s activities and attacks in Syria, Iraq and further afield…

Source: IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi ‘killed in Syria’ | Perth Now

Russia probe demands Trump proves Comey ‘tapes’ exist and gives June deadline

Congressional investigators have asked the White House to provide any recordings or notes of conversations between Donald Trump and former FBI Director James Comey. Leaders of the House Intelligence Committee said they had written to White House counsel, Don McGahn, asking him to provide any material that may exist. Republican Mike Conaway and Democratic Representative Adam Schiff, said they had also written to Mr Comey with the same request. They asked that any material be made available by June 23…

Source: House Russia probe demands Trump proves Comey ‘tapes’ exist and gives June deadline | The Independent

Trump survived James Comey’s testimony, but the fallout could be fatal

The former FBI director threw out a trail of clues for the special counsel to follow in the Trump-Russia investigation, which looks set to shadow his presidency.

At 10.20pm, Kellyanne Conway wandered in from the landscaped gardens of the British ambassador’s residence, built in the 1920s and resembling an English country house in the heart of Washington. An Andy Warhol portrait of the Queen watched from above the ornate fireplace as results of the British election flashed up on a giant TV screen.

Conway, a senior adviser at the White House, could not quite escape questions about former FBI director James Comey’s testimony earlier in the day. Donald Trump had “never intended to tweet” during the session, she told the Guardian, with a dismissive air that implied he had much better things to do.

But the president, who broke his Twitter silence less than eight hours later, may be in a similar position to Theresa May. He survived for sure, but with a self-inflicted wound that could yet prove mortal. Comey threw out a trail of clues for special counsel Robert Mueller to follow in his investigation of Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia, which looks set to shadow his presidency for years.

“History will remember it as a significant inflection point,” said Norm Eisen, former ethics czar under Barack Obama. “We’ve had leaked and hearsay evidence before but now, for the first time, we had direct evidence of obstruction of justice. It was a giant step forward towards accountability for Trump, but there will be many more giant steps necessary.”

What Comey did not say may ultimately prove as telling as what he did during his blockbuster questioning by members of the Senate intelligence committee…

Source: Trump survived James Comey’s testimony, but the fallout could be fatal | US news | The Guardian

Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy on Facebook

Taimoor Raza was found guilty of insulting the prophet Mohammed during an argument on social media with a counter-terrorism official

A Pakistani man has been sentenced to death for committing blasphemy on Facebook, the first conviction on charges arising from social media.

Judge Shabbir Ahmad Awan handed down the verdict in Bahawalpur, around 600km (372 miles) south of capital Islamabad, finding Taimoor Raza guilty of insulting the prophet Mohammed, prosecutor Shafiq Qureshi said.

Source: Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy on Facebook | World news | The Guardian

Theresa May’s plan to govern with DUP support thrown into confusion

Theresa May with Gavin BarwellNo 10 announces deal has been reached, but is then forced to backtrack after Democratic Unionists say negotiations are continuing.

Theresa May’s plan for a loose alliance with the Democratic Unionists to prop up her government was thrown into confusion last night after after the Northern Ireland party contradicted a No 10 announcement that a deal had been reached.

A Downing Street statement on Saturday said a “confidence and supply” agreement had been reached with the DUP and would be put to the cabinet on Monday. But the DUP last night put the brakes on that announcement, saying talks were continuing, not finalised. The DUP leader, Arlene Foster, said “discussions will continue next week to work on the details and to reach agreement on arrangements for the new parliament”.

Following talks between May and the DUP last night, a second statement from No 10 clarified that no final deal had been reached. A Downing Street spokeswoman said the prime minister had discussed “finalising a confidence and supply deal when parliament returns next week … As and when details are finalised, both parties will put them forward.”

Source: Theresa May’s plan to govern with DUP support thrown into confusion | Politics | The Guardian

How the Turnbull government plans to access encrypted messages

“Within a short number of years, effectively, 100 percent of communications are going to use encryption.”

The rapid proliferation of encrypted messaging by terrorist networks has prompted the Turnbull government to look at changing laws to force telecommunications and technology firms to help authorities decrypt suspect messages.

Attorney-General George Brandis said the government will not pursue the controversial “backdoor” access option by forcing firms to plant flaws in their encryption software that would allow it to be cracked by police or security agencies.

Senator Brandis also said the mechanisms for warrant exchanges between Australian agencies and counterparts in the US and other partners were “more limited than they should be”.

ASIO should for instance be able to provide US counterparts with a warrant signed by the Attorney-General to access data that related to an Australian investigation but “that arrangement does not exist as simply as that at the moment”…

Source: How the Turnbull government plans to access encrypted messages

New Twitter Account Trolls Kellyanne Conway For Dishing About Insiders

Conway was reportedly overheard talking about Trump, Reince Priebus and Marc Short to reporters.

Politico confirmed the off-the-record conversations referred to in the tweets with two other sources.

During the party, Conway reportedly leaked that Donald Trump told her to “go out there and say that booted FBI director ‘Jim Comey is going to have to wait and see about the tapes.’” She said she “chose to convert that to ‘no comment,’” according to the series of tweets about the party.

Conway was also reportedly seen mimicking White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus telling staffers to stop leaking information (”No leaks, guuuys”). She later complained that she’s the one “catching the slings and arrows in the West Wing,” Politico reported.

The anonymous @KellyanneLeaks account was quickly shared by one of the “rogue government” accounts, @AltImmigration, and was first reported by Politico.

Source: New Twitter Account Trolls Kellyanne Conway For Dishing About Insiders

Gaddafi’s son Saif ‘freed’ in Libya – BBC News

Muammar Gaddafi’s preferred successor is said to be free again in Libya after six years in custody.

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, second son of the late deposed Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi, is said to have been freed under an amnesty, in a move which could fuel further instability.

His father’s preferred successor, he had been held by a militia in the town of Zintan for the past six years.

The Abu Bakr al-Siddiq Battalion said he had been released on Friday but he has not been shown in public.

Local reports suggest he is now in the eastern city of Bayda with relatives.

The militia group said it was acting on a request from the “interim government”.

That government – based in the east of the country – had already offered amnesty to Saif al-Islam.

However, he has been sentenced to death in absentia by a court in Tripoli, the west of the country, where control is in the hands of the rival, UN-backed Government of National Accord.

Source: Gaddafi’s son Saif ‘freed’ in Libya – BBC News

Big shark bumps into WA boogie boarder

A man has been treated for shock after has was knocked by a great white shark while boogie boarding in Western Australia’s south.

A man has been treated for shock after has was knocked by a great white shark while boogie boarding in Western Australia’s south.

The man was less than 50 metres offshore at Casuarina Point in Bunbury on Sunday morning when the big shark bumped his board.

He was shaken by the close encounter but managed to make his way back to shore and raise the alarm, which prompted the beach to be closed, a Surf Life Saving WA spokesman told AAP.

A St John Ambulance spokesman said the man had been treated for shock but was not injured and did not need to be brought to hospital.

Hungry Hollow beach has also been closed.

Source: Big shark bumps into WA boogie boarder | Perth Now

Eight injured as car hits crowd outside Amsterdam station

Dutch police arrest a man after his car strikes a crowd outside Amsterdam’s central station before crashing into a wall.

A car ploughed into a crowd outside Amsterdam central station late Saturday, injuring eight people – two of them seriously, Dutch police said, adding it appeared to have been an accident.

“The suspect has been interviewed, and it appears not to have been intentional. But we are investigating further,” Amsterdam police said on their Twitter account.

Eight people had been hurt, “two of them seriously,” the police said in a tweet, adding the driver was under arrest after his car hit the crowd and then crashed into a wall.

The news came a week after three attackers in a van mowed down pedestrians in London before going on a stabbing spree, killing eight people and injuring 48.

Dutch media reported the Amsterdam incident happened when police approached a black Peugeot which was badly parked, and the driver tried to speed away.

Source: Eight injured as car hits crowd outside Amsterdam station | SBS News

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London Bridge terror attack: Perth women tell of horror of hiding from terrorists

THREE Perth women who were in a pub where the London Bridge terrorists were shot dead have told of the moment they feared they were about to be murdered by knife-wielding jihadis.

Friends Rass Meechamnan, Emily Ferns and Madi Lewis hid in a toilet cubicle at The Wheatsheaf in Borough Market with other terrified customers as staff barricaded the doors with beer kegs.

As the three men smashed windows to gain access to drinkers inside, 26-year-old Rass, of Jandakot, sent text messages to her parents back home in WA saying: “Dad and Mum I love you so much.”

“I honestly thought we were going to die,” Rass told PerthNow through tears. “I messaged my dad and I messaged my boyfriend just to say that I loved them because I truly thought that was it.”

MORE: London Bridge terror attack: Perth women tell of horror of hiding from terrorists | Perth Now

EU: Three men detained after flight diverted  – talking about “terrorist matters”

Three men who were passengers have been detained in Germany after their EasyJet flight from Ljubljana, Slovenia to London was diverted to Cologne.

The plane landed on Saturday night after passengers reported that the men were talking about “terrorist matters”, according to a police the statement.

Police carried out security checks of the aircraft and questioned passengers after all 151 passengers were evacuated safely from the Airbus 319 aircraft using emergency slides, the airport said in a statement on its website.

Six aircraft were diverted to other airports as a result of the police investigation, the airport said. It said air traffic was affected for several hours as a result of the incident.

Federal police seized a backpack that belonged to one of the men, and exploded it outside of the aircraft, police said.

They gave no information on the contents of the backpack and said officials continued to investigate the backpack.

The men continued to be questioned late on Saturday evening. Other passengers were also being questioned, police said.

Source: Three men detained after flight diverted | Perth Now

Sessions Will Testify in Senate on Russian Meddling in Election – The New York Times

Attorney General Jeff Sessions told Congress on Saturday that he would testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday about issues related to Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.

Mr. Sessions had been scheduled to testify before other committees about the Justice Department’s budget that day, but he will instead appear before the intelligence panel.

Mr. Sessions said he would send Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, to testify about the department’s budget before the House and Senate appropriations panels. Mr. Sessions noted that several lawmakers on those panels had said they intended to ask him about the Russia investigation, after testimony by James B. Comey, who was fired last month as F.B.I. director by President Trump, before the intelligence committee on Thursday.

The attorney general may face sharper questioning from the intelligence committee, which has had access to intelligence materials in its inquiry into the Russian meddling.


Three US troops ‘killed by Afghan soldier in insider attack’

The so-called “green-on-blue” attack comes as President Trump’s administration is considering sending more troops to Afghanistan.

Three US troops were killed when an Afghan soldier opened fire on them in eastern Afghanistan, according to officials.

The attack took place in the Achin district where US special forces have been fighting alongside Afghan troops against Islamic State and Taliban militants, said Attahullah Khogyani, a spokesman for the provincial governor in Nangarhar province.

He said the Afghan soldier was killed in the incident on Saturday.

The Pentagon confirmed that three US troops had died in the attack and one soldier had been wounded…

Source: Three US troops ‘killed by Afghan soldier in insider attack’

Police publish photographs of fake explosive belts worn by London Bridge attackers

fake-suicide-vest.jpgPictures of the home-made fake explosive belts worn by the London Bridge terrorists have been released by police. The imitation suicide devices were each made from three plastic water bottles covered in silver and black duct tape, attached to a leather belt. They were worn by killers Khuram Butt, Rachid Redouane and Youssef Zaghba on their deadly rampage last Saturday night which left eight dead and injured dozens more…

Source: Police publish photographs of fake explosive belts worn by London Bridge attackers | The Independent

Russia says tells U.S. not to strike Syrian pro-government forces again

Russia said on Saturday it had told the United States it was unacceptable for Washington to strike pro-government forces in Syria after the U.S. military carried out an air strike on pro-Assad militia last month.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov relayed the message to U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in a phone call on Saturday initiated by the U.S. side, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

U.S. officials told Reuters last month that the U.S. military carried out the air strike against militia supported by the government of President Bashar al-Assad which it said posed a threat to U.S. forces and U.S.-backed Syrian fighters in the country’s south. [nL8N1IL1WL]

Russia said at the time that the U.S. action would hamper efforts to find a political solution to the conflict and had violated the sovereignty of Syria, one of Russia’s closest Middle East allies…

Source: Russia says tells U.S. not to strike Syrian pro-government forces again | Reuters

Defying Trump, Hawaii Becomes First State to Pass Law Committing to Paris Climate Accord

Tennis: Maria Sharapova dealt blow in attempt to make Wimbledon

FORMER world No. 1 Maria Sharapova will miss the grass court season, including this month’s Wimbledon qualifying tournament, after failing to recover from a left-thigh injury she suffered during last month’s Italian Open.

Sharapova opted not to apply for a wildcard into the main Wimbledon draw after her request for an invite into Roland Garros, where she is a twice former champion, was snubbed by French Open officials.

“After an additional scan, the muscle tear that I sustained in Rome will unfortunately not allow me to compete in the grass court tournaments I was scheduled to play,” Sharapova, who is on a comeback trail after serving a 15-month doping ban, said on her official Facebook page…

Source: Tennis: Maria Sharapova dealt blow in attempt to make Wimbledon