Friday, April 21, 2017

Aussie Technology Could Mean Never Having To Charge Your Phone Again

The electrode boosts solar storage capacity by 3000 per cent.

Phones that never run out of battery, electric cars that do not need charging stations and whole buildings that self-power.

It sounds like the stuff of science fiction, but the groundbreaking work of a group of researchers at a Melbourne university could see it become reality.

Researchers at RMIT University have developed an electrode which they say can boost the capacity of solar storage by 3,000 per cent.

The graphene-based device is flexible and can be attached to solar cells, meaning that we are one step closer to mobile phones and laptops that are powered by the Sun and never run out.

As one of the sunniest places on Earth, Australia has enough solar radiation to provide all our energy needs 10,000 times over.

Currently, the major drawback — and what prevents it from being used as a major power source in Australia — is our inability to efficiently store, and then release, solar power on a large scale. This makes it an unreliable source of energy, as it relies on consistent sunshine…

MORE HERE: This New Aussie Technology Could Mean Never Having To Charge Your Phone Again

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