Saturday, April 22, 2017

WA parking fines ‘verging on the ridiculous’ + I was fined parking on the ROAD [cul-de-sac] outside our house!

THOUSANDS of Perth motorists have been fined by councils for parking on verges and driveways outside homes.

But confusing parking rules mean while some local authorities averaged five fines daily, others didn’t issue a ticket for 12 months.

The Sunday Times asked metropolitan councils for figures to March 2017, to show how many infringements were issued to vehicles parked past letterboxes on driveway crossover strips, between property boundaries and roads.

Wanneroo appeared to top the table, with 1776 infringements for vehicles “stopped on the road or nature strip”.

The $100 tickets hit cars “in contravention of parking prohibition signs surrounding the 58 schools within the City,” community and place director Debbie Terelinck said.

Joondalup chief executive Garry Hunt said 481 $60 infringements were issued to “cars illegally parked on a verge or across a footpath”, while the bill in Nedlands came to $94,160.

City of Nedlands chief executive Greg Trevaskis said 858 infringements were issued to cars parked on roads or verges contrary to signage, 298 to cars stopped on verges, and 118 to vehicles that obstructed driveways.

South Perth Mayor Sue Doherty said 729 “no stopping” infringements ($100) and 100 “no parking” fines ($80) included road and verge offences, and it was an offence to park on crossovers in some areas. City of Vincent logged 81 infringements at $135 each…

Source: WA council parking fines ‘verging on the ridiculous’ | Perth Now

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