Saturday, November 13, 2010

Unbelievable, this idiot won a blog prize

I must to an idiot not to do this before.

All I did was write a blog about me being an idiot and I won 1st prize on RedGage. Honestly I thought this was ANOTHER online scam, but I have $25 in a Visa Card. RedGage hold a competition every day for the 'best' blog or article and give $25 to the winner. It need not be new content, as long as it's yours, so you can just upload any of your writings from anywhere.

If a one-armed, one-legged, crippled pensioner with Disphasia [impairment of the power of expression by speech &, writing] can do this, ANYBODY can. 

So come on all of you, start writing, for money.

RedGage is here;   it's free and the thing is you can synchronize all of your social media and blogs.

Further more I am NOT making any money for referring you or anyone....    

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I was an Idiot to think I could find an online business easily

Idiot me...
I was a real idiot. I was a retired pilot, business owner and widow. But I confess to being an idiot now. I had a comfortable life, if somewhat lonely, in Perth, Australia after my wife died.

But then I decided to go visiting Asia. Especially to wander around China. There I met a very charming Chinese lady, called Lianny, who has become my next wife. I wasn't looking for a new business, I was enjoying myself in retirement, enjoying China and of course meeting Lianny.

And then I fell over! And did I fall over. Wow, really bad.

I thought I was younger than I felt. Even though I had a stroke a few years earlier and that had left me a useless right arm, I could do most things. I was playing with Lianny's neighbors children at Badminton, when I fell over backwards across a concrete kerb.

Everybody has told me since how stupid this was and I agree now with that wonderful vision, called hindsight.

After the fall, after the incredible pain before the operation, I now find my injured leg is some 100 mm [4 inches] short. I had two operations to fix this, but both have failed and the 'new' 40 cm steel pin is working it's way into my hip joint!! My surgeon told me 6 months ago, try not to walk on it. That's a laugh, because of the leg shortage and the pain, walking is last I want to do at the moment.

So there I was, house bound and going 'stir crazy' because I could not do anything practical. I couldn't speak the language and couldn't move. What an IDIOT!

Online Business, Working from Home
Thinking about what I could do in this position, I thought it would be nice and easy to start an online business. That's what I mean about being an idiot. Not just in falling over, but in thinking this was going to be a so easy...

I have researched many internet business. I have purchased heaps of eBooks and systems from so called Gurus. I have looked at selling many products from Clickbank etc, and have advertised them and written blogs. I have a couple of web sites and I have tried Mobile phone advertising. All of this has been unprofitable.

Now, I not blaming anybody but myself. It is this idiot that has gone from one idea to the next. Thinking the latest gimmick would prove profitable. But none has... This online world is FULL of 'second hand car' types. All anxious to relieve you of your money with this 'latest get rich schemes'. All, or most of them, don't work. It is very easier to say that now and to say 'they would never work'. But at the time be exposed to all this hype, lies and inflated profits you can easily get lulled into saying yes. Most of the inline purveyors do not sell any product at all except their own 'get rich quick' schemes. The online business is full to overflowing with these pirates.
There is a company called Clickbank, they sell many, many online products. They are huge in there turnover. Some of the products are IMHO worthless, but many do work. But Clickbank has many of these 'get rich quick' schemes for sale. The biggest good thing about Clickbank is their refund policy for 60 days. It is VERY Good. No questions asked, just return the money. I have been a real idiot to buy some of these 'get rich quick' schemes, but Clickbank have always repaid the money after I found it didn't work.

Why do these marketeers of these products keep selling them if Clickbank return the money? It is easy, most of the time the buyers are somewhat 'lazy' and do not bother asking for a refund. The buyers usually try the product once or twice and then because it's 'hard' or 'different' or 'it's old hat' repackaged, they put it down. The 'product' gathers dust on their computer and is soon forgotten.
As you know, the internet is huge and now millions and millions go online to shop every day. And some of the people, like idiot me, are trying to find a work from home business 'easily'. The work from home business' do exist, but it requires work, not a magic button or money fairy. You HAVE to work at it and because it's in 'unknown territory' it CAN be very hard at times. There is a lot of help online, BUT it's surrounded by Wolfs in Sheep clothing. So be careful. You can do all you self. You can get a Domain Name and a Host and put these two together to make 'your web site' . I have done this and it relatively easy if you have plenty of time or know a bit about the web & computers. I thought I did, but I also thought a Domain & a Host were the same! There are not. The Domain is just you web name like but when you purchased this you have to find a place to Host it [or store it]. I have used and the two both can get a Domain  AND Host it for a year or more. They are many others and some are free. But most of the free ones have adverts etc on everywhere. I find the best free service is where I host this blog, where you can host a blog or change it to be a full web site. 
Also a free service is provided by for anybody to 'look up' their choice of name and see if it is taken.

If you have no idea what to do and you time is limited, I find this site does everything for/with you;  They start of explaining very simply [for idiots like me!] what you have to do etc. They can get you started very quickly and you will have 'your' web site up and running very soon. And it gets better as well, they show how to get an Google Adsense account [& how to keep it!]. This is where advertisers pay you money to advertise on your site. It might be nothing to $5 a week when you start, but with help getting your site in front of the millions of people it can soon turn into thousands. But you have to work at it or get some one like [web]sitesell. The real advantage with this company is it doesn't cost any more than doing it your self. I wish I had found it before it spent hours and hours playing around on godaddy with my 'site' in c-panel and wondering how to I do this or that?

Here is a site that tells you of a young lady that is making a good income from her site and Google Adsense as well. She is a 'real' person, not like some of the 'get rich quick cowboys'!

And do look at this site for help and to start [& to make money];

Trading Forex for Newbies

One of the blessing of being house bound with broken leg [& stroke] was I could give my Forex Trading hobby full time attention. This is like the Stock Market but it's trades 24 hours a day and nearly 6 days a week through out the world.  The Forex Market is the biggest market in the world. Currencies  between 2 to 3 trillion dollars change hands every day. It starts off in Asia time zone with Australia, New Zealand & Japan etc, moving on to the European zone with London & Zürich time zones being the biggest, when it merges with the New York, American market later. Then when the USA market is closing, it's time for the Asian market to start a new day again.

Any currency can be traded against another one, but the popular one are the Euro verses USA Dollar, Gt British Pound verses USA Dollar and the USA Dollar verses the Japanese Yen. Followed by the USA Dollar verses Swiss Franc, British Pound verses Japan Yen and the Euro verses the Japan Yen.  Then the Australian Dollar verses USA Dollar, USA Dollar verses Canadian Dollar brings up the rear on the popular currencies traded. But they many more, about every currency can be traded against another one somewhere in the thousands of Brokers and Banks doing this around the world.

The Forex Market is the largest market in the world. The amount of transactions dwarf what is traded on the Dow & S & P in America, probably reaching some 3 trillion dollars every day. But that's the problem, nobody knows how big it really is, because there is no actual physical market held in one place or city. All the currencies are traded in thousands of places in the Banks and Brokers all over the world. Many of 'the opposite side' of any transaction may [& can] be taken by the Bank or Broker and in the smaller transactions are.

This has caused many disputes in the past, but now most are 'somewhat' regulated by the major countries involved, like the USA, Europe & Japan and others. But it doesn't stop the Broker or Bank still taking the 'opposite side' of your trade or transaction. And why should they not? It is because of the very nature of Forex Trading and its leverage, 90% of traders loose. So if you have the 'side' of the trade, statistics prove that 90% of the time you make a profit. Remember, for any trade in anything there has to be 'two sides', a buyer and a seller, to make it happen. In the Stock Market most trades find another trader [perhaps], but in the Forex Market this doesn't always happen. The Brokers and Banks do not have to pass the trade along. First of all they is no physical market and secondly perhaps they want to trade for there selves. Being as most traders loose [90%] what better way than is there but to take the opposite trade/position for there selves.

Now I don't agree that this a good thing. I make sure any Broker I deal doesn't do this. In fact I much prefer to deal with a Broker that does not have any dealing desk and charges a small commission for every trade. This instead of the normal practice of building their fees and charges into the price of the Bid & Ask of the currencies. Most professional traders do this, where as most amateur traders will not pay commission. It is a state of mind when you start trading. You can't believe that the price can be manipulated by the Brokers & Banks. But when you had a few trades that either you were 'stopped-out' at the exact price and then the price reversed, or where the 'Spread' of the Bid & Ask was far too large, you start thinking again....  A Stop Loss is a price you put on your trade, so if the trade goes 'the wrong way', you get 'stopped out before losing too much. Well that's the theory of it. A few years ago some of the less from honest Brokers [& Banks] would manipulate the price to get traders 'stopped out'. Then the price would reverse without your trade.

In Forex you can 'Buy' or 'Sell'. Most [but not all] Share trading is just buying to sell later at a higher price. But in Forex you can 'buy or sell' straight away because you are trading against another currency. You can go either 'Up' or 'Down'. So if you think the American Dollar is weak. You Buy another currency and that is the same as selling the USA Dollar. It doesn't matter if you want to Buy, go Up [go Long] or Sell, go Down [go Short] it's easy with Forex.

The biggest thing to watch, apart from being wrong with direction of your trade is the Leverage that Forex Brokers 'give' to you. This might be 100 to 1 up to 500 to 1. The more Leverage means you can make more profit sooner, but when a trade goes the 'wrong way' and you start losing the Leverage will quickly turn your account into zero, if your not careful. Most new traders go and get the biggest Leverage they can. This is wrong it will contribute to them losing all the money. You should get the minimum, 100 to 1 and start really small.

Most new traders now use Metatraders free charting available here; or though most online Brokers. For trading 'Intraday' you can use 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min 60min and 4 hour chart. If you want to trade on a Daily basis, you can use the Daily, Weekly or Monthly charts. There are many 'indicators' in the Metatraders chart and thousands more online.

I have a few hundred myself, so if you email at I will send them to you free. But there is no easy way to find out 'what works' and 'what doesn't', only hard work through testing. Because Forex trading is an Art, not a Science and every trader has a different idea on the use of an indicators. There are many sites online with free instruction, but one the best is BabyPips. The site can be found here; They have a very free 'school'. If you thinking of trading, check them out.

Also Metertraders have a system called Expert Advisors. This is a way that an automatic system called be made or adapted to trade automatically for you. That's in theory.

Many Expert Advisors etc can be found at Forexisbiz here;
But see my earlier blog post about 'I am a real idiot to trade automatically.'

If you start trading, best of luck.