Lianny, my wife, was so pleased with my findings about Vitamins for her hair she asked me to help a neighbor over a 'delicate' problem she and her husband had. It seems that because of the huge problems of too many people in China, all the couples are being asked to limit their families to one child.
This isn't as bad as the Western Media have shown it to be. I believe there have been many cases of women being forcibly to have an abortion [too many] but on the vast majority of people this has not happened. In fact 90% of Chinese people I know are from a family of of two or three siblings or even more. It still is a rarity to be an 'only one' child here. But with education and the government programs about birth control many couples are now trying to limit their families. The population is rapidly going into 'up-market' position of having a good job, good house and now nearly every family [in the eastern seaboard] owns a car. Things have really changed in the past decade. Even 5 years ago when I first came to China, nearly everybody went about on bicycles or public transport. Now the bikes are in the minority, public transport is still used by millions, but the car is taking over everywhere, just the same as it has in western countries.
This is going to be another BIG problem for society here. But my 'task' today was to try to find help and where to get advice on birth control to help our neighbor. More importantly is was to find out if the 'birth control shots' they had been recommend were safe. Let me point out, I have NO KNOWLEDGE about this subject, I am just trying to find out more information for my friends and anybody in similar circumstances.
You will have to make you own mind up if are to use or not to use these 'birth control shots' with your doctors advice being number one. But this doesn't mean you should be ignorant of any problems that have arisen and your doctor may not be aware of them. If you should talk it over with a doctor BEFORE you make any decision.
So here are the finding I have made on Birth Control Shots
Birth control shot is a kind of hormone called progesterone that is delivered through an injection into the body of the women who want birth control. These birth control shots are very effective in controlling your pregnancy. The percentage of getting pregnant while using these birth control shots is very less.
Birth control shot is a kind of hormone called progesterone that is delivered through an injection into the body of the women who want birth control. These birth control shots are very effective in controlling your pregnancy. The percentage of getting pregnant while using these birth control shots is very less.
Depression, weight gain, headache, breast tenderness, and irregular menstrual period are some of the side effects caused by using the birth control shots. Taking the birth control shots frequently is very harmful to your health in the long run. Studies show that the main problem associated with the usage of the birth control shots is bone loss. If you stop taking the birth control shots your bone density will return to normal. You must eat calcium rich foods while taking the birth control shots. Smokers should consult their doctor before taking the birth control shots because they may have other side effects due to these shots. It has been found that the fertility rate of the women will decrease after stopping the shots for a year or so.
Weight gain is another problem associated with the birth control shots. People taking the birth control shots tend to gain weight while using it for a long time. Studies show that more than 50% of the women who have taken the birth control shots have gained weight. The weight gain will be around 5 to 10 pounds after the prolonged usage. However, there are chances to get back to the normal weight after stopping the birth control shots.
People taking the birth control shots are having mixed feeling after the usage. Women who have used it for just few months are saying that the shots are excellent but those who have used the shots for a long time say that the side effects are increasing over time. Other common problems associated with getting the birth control shots are hair fall, mood swings, fatigue, depression, and low sex drive. So it is very important to consult your physician before using the birth control shots. Gain more knowledge about the shots and their side effects before using it.
There are numerous choices for today’s women when it comes to birth control. The birth control pills have been around for decades, but it causes side effects. Birth control shot is one of the most popular and the convenient option that is available. The birth control shots work just like the pills but it is enough to take these birth control shots once in every three months. This fact may be advantageous for some females who are sick of taking the birth control pills daily.
Birth control shot is given to women once in every three months through an injection for preventing the pregnancy. This is very easy for the busy lifestyles. The doctors say that the birth control shots are as effective as the birth control pills in preventing the pregnancies. Statistics show that less than 3% of the couples experience the occurrence of accidental pregnancies when taking the birth control shots. The effectiveness of the birth control shots decreases if you wait for more than 90 days or skip a shot.
Birth control shot contains progesterone, a hormone that produces ovaries. This injection is either administered in the upper arm or buttocks. The progesterone keeps the women from ovulating and there is no way to fertilize the egg. Birth control shot is considered by many women as a super capable option.
Before taking the birth control shots you have to consult your primary physician first. Your doctor will explain you the difference between the birth control shots and the pills. He will also guide you through the process and helps you to make a good decision according to your body type.
These shots are 90% effective and it will be affected if you skip a shot. If you have any health related issues, you can talk about it with your doctor and make sure that this method will not cause you any trouble. It is very important to use a birth control that is effective, otherwise the whole purpose of preventing the pregnancy with a birth control method gets defeated. You can also stop taking the shots if you want to reverse it and get pregnant.
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