Saturday, April 8, 2017

WA Government ramps up pressure on Perth Mayor Lisa Scaffidi to resign

The WA Government has stepped up pressure on Perth’s Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi to resign.

Key points:

  • Lisa Scaffidi’s disclosures of travel and gifts are being investigated
  • Premier Mark McGowan promised to sack Ms Scaffidi before the state election
  • Local Government Minister David Templeman says the time has come

The call from local Government minister David Templeman came after Premier Mark McGowan wrote to Ms Scaffidi calling on her to make an “honourable decision” and stand down.

Mr Templeman said the time had come: “The West Australian Government renews its call for the Lord Mayor of Perth to resign her position.”

“We have lost confidence in the Lord Mayor of Perth — we believe that the interests of the ratepayers, the residents and the businesses that are the city of Perth deserve to be respected,” he said.

“We believe it is in the best interests of those people particularly that the Lord Mayor no longer continue in the position that she holds.”

Source: WA Government ramps up pressure on Perth Mayor Lisa Scaffidi to resign – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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