Thursday, April 6, 2017

Chain of events in US strike on Syria



5:10am – Syrian state TV says US missile attack hit a number of military targets in Homs province, calling the attack an “aggression”; Pentagon says Russians told of attack

4:30am – US attacks Syrian air base with roughly 60 cruise missiles fired from two warships in the Mediterranean Sea, targeting government-controlled air base from which it says chemical weapons attack was launched

3:20am – Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says chemical attack in Syria a “war crime of the worst sort” that “cries out for a strong response”; tells Radio 3AW there does not appear to be any doubt Syrian government forces were behind the attack

3:15am – UK says there will be no vote on UN Security Council resolution on Thursday night to condemn the reported use of chemical weapons


9:45pm – German Chancellor Angela Merkel says chemical attack in Syria “barbaric” and a war crime

8:50pm – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says he hopes US President Donald Trump will take military action in Syria after the chemical attack

8:45pm – Global watchdog Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons says it has “initiated contact” with Syrian authorities as it investigates the suspected chemical attack earlier this week that killed more than 80 people

8:15pm – US says it hopes for a vote late on Thursday on a resolution that would condemn the chemical attack in northern Syria that killed dozens of people

7:15pm – President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman says Russia’s support for Syrian President Bashar Assad is not unconditional

5:20pm – Russian President Vladimir Putin warns against apportioning blame for the chemical weapons attack until an investigation has been carried out

2:10pm – The Kremlin says differences with Washington over the use of chemical weapons in Syria are unlikely to worsen US-Russia relations.

Source: Chain of events in US strike on Syria | Perth Now

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