Saturday, April 8, 2017

Syria Warplanes strike again: Trump bombing HASN’T stopped Assad

Syrian government planes have again bombed the town where Bashar al-Assad killed 87 people including children in a savage chemical attack on Tuesday. One woman was killed in the bombing.

The dictator has heeded no warning from Trump’s airstrikes on a military base on Thursday in retaliation for his gas attack on Tuesday.

The bombing which killed one woman comes just a day after the US ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, said Assad can ‘no longer get away’ with killing civilians.

Syrian opposition activists say the warplanes have struck the eastern side of Khan Sheikhoun, killing a woman and wounding another person.

The Local Coordination Committees, another monitoring group, said the airstrike was carried out by Russian warplane. It said the woman killed had fled to the town from her hometown of Latameh in central Syria.

The chemical attack on Khan Sheikhoun on Tuesday triggered a US missile attack two days later that struck an air base in central Syria killing nine people.

The Kremlin has warned the US it is ‘one step from war’ over Syria – but the Trump administration hit back by saying it would be prepared to carry out airstrikes again…

Source: Syria airstrikes: Trump bombing HASN’T stopped Assad | Daily Mail Online

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