Friday, April 7, 2017

‘Trump’s Syrian airstrike, cynical political stunt pulled off by a president to boost his ratings’

It is a compelling narrative being spun by the White House, but Donald Trump’s Syrian attack is a clownish political stunt to bolster is opinion poll ratings at home writes JOHN R BRADLEY.

Wave after wave of Tomahawk cruise missiles raining on a remote Syrian military base. This was the swift and brutal revenge from an outraged President Donald Trump for a deadly chemical attack on innocents by president Bashar Al-Assad.

It’s a compelling narrative that’s being spun by the White House – but I’m not buying it.

To my mind, there is a much more credible – and far more disturbing – explanation for this terrifying turn of events.

Rather than a simple story about good versus evil, this missile attack is more likely to have been a grotesquely manipulated media spectacle, a clownish political stunt planned and shamelessly pulled off by Trump to boost his popularity at home.

What is beyond doubt is that there are many parts of the official story that, even at this early stage, do not appear to make any sense whatsoever.

Take, for instance, Trump’s extraordinary overnight transformation from isolationist and critic of foreign military intervention in Syria, in particular, to bellicose war-monger calling for Assad’s head.

This is a man who spent the entire election campaign castigating his opponent Hillary Clinton for fomenting war against the Syrian regime. Now, weeks into his presidency, he is on the verge of starting one himself…

Source: JOHN R BRADLEY: Trump’s Syrian attack was a cynical ploy | Daily Mail Online

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