Friday, April 7, 2017

NSA gives Trump option of putting nukes in South Korea and KILL Kim Jong-un

The White House National Security Council has drawn up North Korea options for President Trump that involve killing the country’s erratic dictator Kim Jong-un and reinserting U.S. nuclear weapons into South Korea.

The bold options were revealed by NBC News just as President Xi Jinpeng of China wrapped up a visit and meetings with Trump at to Mar-a-Lago. Trump wants China to use its leverage to get North Korea to back off its threatening behavior.

One option the network reported was bringing back nuclear bombs and positioning them likely at Osan Air Base, just 50 miles from Seoul. It would be the first U.S. deployment of nuclear weapons overseas since the end of the Coal War.

‘We have 20 years of diplomacy and sanctions under our belt that has failed to stop the North Korean program,’ a senior intelligence official who took part told NBC.

Source: NSA gives Trump option of putting nukes in South Korea | Daily Mail Online

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