Friday, April 7, 2017

Five big risks after Trump’s Syria strike – Russia can’t be seen to lose face…

Russia can’t be seen to lose face, so may also respond

Arguably the main point of Russia’s intervention in Syria was to embolden Moscow on the world stage after the crippling effects of sanctions on their economy.
Now they must find an appropriate response to having an airbase — where they have stationed assets — flattened in a US strike.
It may not be military action, and may not be in Syria, but Putin is a master of turning a completely different screw on his opponent. Think about Libya, or Ukraine.

Assad will have to react

How will Syrians react to US strike?
He always does. It may not be as blatant as direct attacks on the US military in the region. But it may involve proxies hitting US soft targets nearby, especially if you remember their long history of involvement in neighboring Lebanon.
Donald Trump will likely face fallout, and in a way that is unexpected or unmanageable.
Remember: Assad has been under an effective siege for five years, so the same poor decision making that allegedly led — according to the US and others — to the chemical weapons strike in Idlib, may lead to other bad…

Source: Five big risks after Trump’s Syria strike –

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