Monday, April 3, 2017

These two men could press the nuclear button: As Trump threatens to sort out North Korea…

These two men could press the nuclear button: As Trump threatens to sort out North Korea

For national leaders around the world — and above all in Asia — there is a war-games scenario that chills the blood.

The United States delivers an ultimatum to North Korea, insisting it renounces its nuclear weapons. The half-crazed regime in the capital, Pyongyang, refuses. U.S. aircraft and missiles strike at Kim Jong-Un’s nuclear facilities. North Korea’s neighbour and ally, China, responds by hitting carriers of the U.S. Seventh Fleet in the Pacific. Suddenly, a major war erupts.

Such a horror story yesterday came a step closer to reality, when Donald Trump issued a warning that the U.S. would take unilateral action against North Korea should China decline to do so…

Source: MAX HASTINGS on Trump’s dangerous threat to deal with Kim | Daily Mail Online

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