Monday, April 3, 2017

Super-hard Brexit: how UK planned to blow up the Channel Tunnel with a nuclear bomb

mushroom-cloud.jpgCivil servants acknowledged the atomic bomb plan could convert the tunnel into a mortar firing nuclear explosives into Kent and Calais, but reasoned it would be “100 per cent effective” at destroying our only physical link with France.  It wasn’t the first – or last – time that Channel tunnel plans showed how Britain’s relationship with the rest of Europe has rarely been straightforward.

In once secret files, now tucked away in the National Archives at Kew, The Independent has discovered the outlines of a cunning plan, drawn up by a succession of far-sighted civil servants and senior military officers, for a very hard, hard Brexit.  It involves the option of blowing up the Channel Tunnel with a nuclear bomb, and not telling the French what we are up to.

Source: Super-hard Brexit: how UK planned to blow up the Channel Tunnel with a nuclear bomb | The Independent

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