Monday, April 3, 2017

Fanatics kill an innocent man for accepting water from US soldiers-ISIS unleashes deadly new ALL-FEMALE sniper gang

ISIS has unleashed a deadly new all-female sniper gang with the terror group also reportedly killing an innocent man after he accepted water from US soldiers.

The fanatical group has begun deploying women snipers in some areas of western Mosul to hold off Iraqi troops.

The moment an Iraqi airstrike wiped out ISIS’ second-highest ranking terror leader was caught on film.

“War minister” Ayad al-Jumaili was a defector from the Iraqi army who headed the warped group’s internal security.

His death in the region of al-Qaim near the Iraqi border with Syria was announced triumphantly on Iraqi state TV.

Source: ISIS unleashes deadly new ALL-FEMALE sniper gang – as fanatics kill an innocent man for accepting water from US soldiers

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