Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Heart attack fears over use of common painkillers

Common painkillers taken by millions of Britons can raise the risk of a heart attack by up to 50 percent, researchers have found.

And one, diclofenac, is so dangerous it should not be taken at all, one expert warned.

Others such as ibuprofen, which is sold over the counter in the UK, are not ‘harmless’ and should be used with caution.

Diclofenac and ibuprofen – taken for back pain, headaches, arthritis, period pains and other ailments – were associated with a 50 percent and 31 percent increased risk, respectively.

The findings follow research last year which showed patients who regularly take the painkillers are up to 20 percent more likely to develop heart failure.

Source: Heart attack fears over use of common painkillers | Daily Mail Online

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