Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Charles the lothario and a blueprint for royal catastrophe?

Christopher Stevens is back with another round-up of Wednesday night’s television offerings focusing on The Royal House of Windsor and Benidorm.

The Royal House of Windsor


He’s a stuffy waffler with a penchant for ancient jokes, but there was a time when the Prince of Wales was portrayed as a playboy and the world’s most eligible bachelor: action man by day, ruthless womaniser by night.

And that louche reputation was no accident — as The Royal House Of Windsor (C4) revealed, it was an image carefully cultivated by a puppet-master whose real ambition was to see Prince Charles wed his granddaughter.

This series has become an unmissable exposé, not only for the extraordinary private papers it uncovers, but with its unerring instinct for the telling phrase. Instead of filling the screen with long interviews by talking heads, it selects the pithiest quotes from its contributors.

Source: Christopher Stevens reviews last night’s TV  | Daily Mail Online

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