Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Hawaii judge puts Trump’s travel ban on hold | USA News | Al Jazeera

Ban will not go into effect on Thursday after temporary restraining order is issued.

The ruling by US District Judge Derrick Watson on Wednesday prevents the executive order from going into effect on Thursday.

Hawaii argued that the new order will harm its Muslim population, tourism and foreign students. Ismail Elshikh, a plaintiff in the lawsuit, said the ban will prevent his Syrian mother-in-law from visiting.

The case was one of several that were moving through US courts on Wednesday brought by states’ attorneys general and immigrant advocacy groups.

Refugee resettlement agencies suing the government asked a federal judge at a hearing in Maryland to halt implementation of the ban, arguing it discriminates on the basis of religion and violates the US constitution.

The president’s executive order, which the administration says is necessary for national security, temporarily bars the entry of most refugees as well as travellers from six Muslim-majority countries.

Source: Hawaii judge puts Donald Trump’s travel ban on hold | USA News | Al Jazeera

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