Thursday, March 16, 2017

BREAKING NEWS: Envelope ‘bomb’ explodes at IMF office in Paris

An envelope ‘bomb’ has injured a person at the Paris office of the International Monetary Fund this morning.

A letter exploded when it was opened at the offices in central Paris of the IMF and one person was slightly injured, a police source said.

It is not clear who sent the bomb, or what motivated them. Police experts are at the scene.

France is currently in a state of emergency after a string of deadly Islamic extremist attacks over the past two years.

The letter bomb comes the day after a suspicious package found at the German Finance Ministry in Berlin was found to contain explosives.

The item was found in an area where mail is processed.

A spokeswoman for the ministry declined to comment, saying an investigation was underway.

‘The first investigation results show that the package contained a so-called explosives mixture, which is frequently used to produce pyrotechnics. It was designed to cause considerable injuries when the package was opened,’ police said in a statement.

Source: Envelope ‘bomb’ explodes at Paris IMF office | Daily Mail Online

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