Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Blade Runner fan favourite Edward James Olmos returning for sequel 2049

blade-runner-gaff-0.jpgAn original Blade Runner cast member will return in Denis Villeneuve’s sequel Blade Runner 2049 alongside Harrison Ford. Edward James Olmos, who played Gaff in Ridley Scott’s 1981 classic, confirmed he has a part in the hugely-anticipated follow-up following months of refusing to comment either way.

Speaking to theTRENDTALKshow, Olmos revealed that a “seven page non-disclosure contract” kept him from talking about the role.

He said: “I signed a seven page non-disclosure contract. I did, my manager did, my agent did, everybody did. I couldn’t talk about it. I couldn’t talk about it to anybody about it. Guess what? This is the first time that I’m telling the whole world, that yes, I am going to be Gaff in Blade Runner 2049.”

Source: Blade Runner fan favourite Edward James Olmos returning for sequel 2049 | The Independent

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