Tuesday, April 18, 2017

US + Australian advisers hit by ISIS mustard gas in Iraqi

An Iraqi unit with U.S. and Australian advisers has been hit by mustard gas by ISIS forces.

Six soldiers suffered breathing problems and another 19 were forced to seek treatment after ISIS militants launched the gas attack against the US-backed unit in the city of Mosul, northern Iraq.

It is the second chemical attack against the Iraqi troop in two days, after an officer with the anti-terrorism unit said ISIS fired a rocket loaded with chlorine at the al-Abar neighborhood in western Mosul.

Gas masks and other equipment is now being distributed to forces in case of future gas attacks.

The allied Iraqi forces are battling ISIS and local officials say more than half of western Mosul has been retaken from the extremists.

ISIS was driven out of the eastern half of Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, in January…

Source: Iraqi unit with US advisers hit by ISIS mustard agent | Daily Mail Online

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