Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Dramatic drone footage shows deadly car bomb blast rip through Aleppo

TERRIFYING video has emerged of a lethal ISIS car bomb attack in Syria. Drone footage gives horrific birds-eye view explosion which decimates an area of Eastern Aleppo.

Most of these types of videos are shot in Mosul making this clip from over the Syrian border slightly more surprising.

A car can be seen driving slowly round a bend in the city into a group of vehicles.

The motor draws in close to the collection of what appear to be 4x4s before bumping into one.

On impact the driver detonates his on-board explosive sending dust and smoke shooting into the sky in a black cloud.

It is currently unknown how many people were killed in the blast.

VIDEO: Dramatic drone footage shows deadly car bomb blast rip through Eastern Aleppo as villagers run for their lives

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