Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Budget: Worst it has been since the Great Depression as sinking revenues and a flat economy monster the State’s finances

‘Grim’ state of WA’s finances revealed

PREMIER Mark McGowan says WA’s Budget position is now the worst it has been since the Great Depression as sinking revenues and a flat economy monster the State’s finances.

The Premier this morning said he had been losing sleep over the condition of the budget after a fresh $1.2 billion write down in forecast revenues blew out the State’s unprecedented debt and deficit levels.

As a consequence of the fiscal situation, the State Government will not hand down its first Budget until September 7 in a bid to give it more time to find “repair measures”.

In the meantime, the Government said it will have to introduce a Loan Bill to borrow more money as its first legislative priority.

During a warts and all briefing today, Mr McGowan, Treasurer Ben Wyatt and Under Treasurer Michael Barnes laid bare the full extent of WA’s Budget crisis.

After being forecast to hit $41 billion by 2019-20, Treasury now expects the State’s debt will reach $42.3 billion by the end of the forward estimates.

Source: Budget update: Premier Mark McGowan reveals ‘grim’ state of WA’s finances | Perth Now

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