Sunday, March 19, 2017

Trump’s bonkers budget: the exact opposite of what the US needs

The theme that unites all of Trump’s initiatives so far is their unnecessary cruelty.

His new budget, released on Friday, comes down especially hard on the poor – imposing unprecedented cuts in low-income housing, job training, food assistance, legal services, help to distressed rural communities, nutrition for new mothers and their infants, funds to keep poor families warm, even “meals on wheels”.

These cuts come at a time when more American families are in poverty than ever before, including one in five children.

Why is Trump doing this? To pay for the biggest hike in military spending since the 1980s. Yet the US already spends more on its military than the next seven biggest military budgets put together.

He ran for president as a man of the people, who was going to fight for those who were left behind, but everything we’re hearing about his forthcoming federal budget says exactly the opposite: Spending that’s a great deal for big corporations that have hired armies of lobbyists, and great for the wealthiest few like himself, but leaving everyone else a lot worse off.

MORE: Trump’s bonkers budget: the exact opposite of what the US needs | The New Daily

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