Saturday, March 25, 2017

Clive James: ‘Coogan and Brydon are the funniest couple since Laurel and Hardy’

Clive James: ‘Coogan and Brydon are the funniest couple since Laurel and Hardy’

Anyone who relishes what happens when Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon sit opposite each other in a restaurant will know that the real focus of the entertainment is on the actors at the other tables who are pretending not to laugh. While Coogan and Brydon do uncanny impersonations of 007, the extras have to do uncanny impersonations of corpses, and sometimes they can’t keep it up. They crack a rib. And they are, of course, quite right. Coogan and Brydon are the funniest couple since Laurel and Hardy.

And it’s all done just by evoking stuff we’ve seen already. But there’s no “just” about it. Such accurate mimicry demands deep concentration. The basic shtick of their echolalic duel to the death depends on Coogan being even more fanatical about getting it right than Brydon is. Indeed, Coogan might not entirely be bluffing when he suggests, in a voice nearly his own for once, that mere hilarity might not always be the whole aim. The true intention is to borrow a state of being.

Source: Clive James: ‘Coogan and Brydon are the funniest couple since Laurel and Hardy’ | Life and style | The Guardian

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