Saturday, March 25, 2017

Energy tracking ‘Numen’ device could help slash home power bills

Imagine if you could see how much energy every device in your home was using in real time.

That’s the idea behind new technology developers say could dramatically cut power bills.

Perth start-up Ecocentric has teamed with the CSIRO to create a system called “Numen”, which monitors the efficiency of everything from your fridge to your tablet when it’s plugged in.

“Numen is a revolutionary device that is going to build a new understanding of the way we use energy,” Tim Bray from Ecocentric told the ABC.

Mr Bray said the Numen was the missing link in Australia’s energy debate.

He said the problem was most people have no idea how much energy they’re using, so it’s hard for them to become more efficient…

Source: Energy tracking ‘Numen’ device could help slash home power bills – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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