Tuesday, March 21, 2017

New Zealand expels US diplomat as police probe stymied

A US diplomat has been expelled from New Zealand after Washington refused to waive diplomatic immunity so police investigating a serious crime could question him, officials said yesterday.

Details of the alleged crime have not been revealed but local media reported the diplomat left the South Pacific nation last week suffering a broken nose and black eye.

Prime Minister Bill English labelled the US knockback on immunity regrettable and said he expected American authorities to carry out their own investigation.

“We expect all diplomats here to obey our law and if it’s broken, we’d expect our police to investigate,” Mr English said.

“We regret that they didn’t give us a waiver on immunity but they didn’t, and now it’s in the hands of their authorities.”

Earlier, Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully said he was “disappointed” at the US refusal and in response had asked for the man at the centre of the police investigation to be withdrawn from New Zealand.

He said Wellington’s ambassador in Washington had raised the issue with US officials.

Source: New Zealand expels US diplomat as police probe stymied

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