Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Two held over over Paris airport attack | Perth Now

Two men are being held for questioning on suspicion that they supplied a handgun to the man who attacked a soldier in Paris’ Orly airport, a judicial source said.

The attacker, Ziyed Ben Belgacem, was shot dead as he tried to seize the weapon of a female soldier at Orly airport on Saturday, shouting: “I am here to die for Allah.”

Traffic at Paris’ second airport was interrupted for hours after the incident.

Investigators have said early indications were Belgacem, who had an extensive criminal record, had been radicalised while in prison.

His father, who was held for questioning briefly after the incident, denied that his son was a terrorist, saying he drank alcohol and didn’t pray.

“And under the influence of alcohol and cannabis – that’s how you get there,” the elder Belgacem told broadcaster Europe 1.

News agency AFP, quoting judicial sources, on Sunday reported that an autopsy showed Belgacem had almost twice the legal blood alcohol limit for driving and had also taken cannabis and cocaine.

Source: Two held over over Paris airport attack | Perth Now

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