Wednesday, March 22, 2017

33+ civilians killed in US-led airstrike on Isis stronghold in Syria

At least 33 people killed in coalition strike on school used as refugee centre near jihadi-held town in northern province of Raqqa, says monitor

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the strike south of al-Mansoura, a town held by Islamic State in the northern province of Raqqa, took place in the early hours of Tuesday.

Top officials from the 68-nation alliance fighting Isis are to meet in Washington on Wednesday to hear more about Donald Trump’s plan to destroy the jihadis’ remaining strongholds in Iraq and Syria.

The US-led coalition has been bombing Isis since 2014 and is backing a major offensive to defeat the group in Raqqa city, the Syrian heart of the group’s “Islamic caliphate”.

The school turned shelter hit on Tuesday morning lies about 20 miles (30km) west of Raqqa.

“We can now confirm that 33 people were killed, and they were displaced civilians from Raqqa, Aleppo and Homs,” said the head of the observatory, Rami Abdel Rahman.

“They’re still pulling bodies out of the rubble until now. Only two people were pulled out alive.”

Source: Dozens of civilians killed in US-led airstrike on Isis stronghold in Syria | World news | The Guardian

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