Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Many Americans may consider Donald Trump ‘a fake president’, :Wall Street Journal editorial

trump.jpgMany Americans may consider Donald Trump “a fake president,” according to a scathing opinion piece that ran in the Wall Street Journal.  The piece was penned by the normally right-leaning Wall Street Journal editorial board full of journalists who have regularly supported Republican candidates. The paper is part of Rupert Murdoch’s news empire, which includes Fox News Channel whose anchors are openly pro-Trump.

The piece – which minces no words – comes amidst a confirmation hearing for Mr Trump’s Supreme Court nomination and a critical vote in Congress on repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare.

Instead of the spotlight being on possible ‘wins’ for the administration, “the week has been dominated by the news that he was repudiated by his own FBI director“ James Comey during a Congressional hearing, according to the editorial board.

Source: Many Americans may consider Donald Trump ‘a fake president’, declares Wall Street Journal editorial | The Independent

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