Monday, March 20, 2017

Donald Trump: James Comey confirms FBI is investigating possible Russia links, dismisses wire-tapping claims

Donald Trump’s claim that the Obama administration had “wire-tapped” his Trump Tower headquarters has been thoroughly and publicly debunked by FBI director James Comey, who also publicly confirmed the bureau was investigating possible links between Russia and Mr Trump’s associates.

Key points:

  • James Comey’s testimony before Congress is the first time he has publicly commented on suspicions of Russian links to Trump campaign
  • The FBI director and other officials also denied any wiretap on Trump Tower
  • NSA director Michael Rogers labelled Trump administration’s claims of British complicity in alleged surveillance of his campaign as “nonsense”

In his much-anticipated appearance before a Congressional committee hearing, Mr Comey demolished the President’s assertion, made in a tweet on Saturday March 4.

Source: Donald Trump: James Comey confirms FBI is investigating possible Russia links, dismisses wire-tapping claims – Donald Trump’s America – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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