Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Israel removes flashpoint holy site metal detectors

Israel has removed metal detectors from outside a holy site in East Jerusalem after uproar from Palestinians over their recent introduction.

Israel’s security cabinet voted early on Tuesday to remove and replace them with less obtrusive surveillance.

There were deadly clashes after the metal detectors were set up, which Palestinians saw as an Israeli attempt to assert control over the site.

Israel said they were necessary to prevent weapons being smuggled in.

It followed the killing on 14 July of two Israeli policemen by Israeli-Arab gunmen, who police say had hidden their weapons on the hilltop site known to Jews as the Temple Mount and Muslims as Haram al-Sharif.

On Monday the UN’s Middle East envoy warned the tensions risked spreading “well beyond” the ancient city if the issue was not resolved by Friday, when Muslims traditionally go to the site in large numbers for prayers.

A statement from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said the security cabinet accepted “the recommendation of all the security bodies to change the inspection with metal detectors to a security inspection based on advanced technologies and other means”.

Source: Israel removes flashpoint holy site metal detectors – BBC News

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