Friday, July 28, 2017

Charlie Gard: ‘Beautiful little boy’ at heart of UK legal dispute dies

Charlie Gard, the critically ill British baby at the centre of a legal battle that attracted worldwide attention and debate, has died days short of his first birthday, according to a family spokeswoman.

Key points:

  • Charlie suffered from mitochondrial depletion syndrome, a rare genetic disease
  • His parents had hoped to take him to the US for experimental treatment
  • Doctors objected, and the dispute ended up in court

Charlie suffered from a rare genetic disease, mitochondrial depletion syndrome, which caused brain damage and left him unable to breathe unaided.

The 11-month-old’s plight became known around the world when his parents, Chris Gard and Connie Yates, battled to take their child to the United States for experimental treatment.

“Our beautiful little boy has gone, we are so proud of you Charlie,” Connie Yates, the baby’s mother, was quoted as saying by the Daily Mail newspaper.

Source: Charlie Gard: ‘Beautiful little boy’ at heart of UK legal dispute dies – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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