Saturday, July 29, 2017

Echo Yachts: White Rabbit Golf, biggest super-yacht to be built in Perth

INSIDE a gigantic shed on the southern Perth coastline, hundreds of dedicated workers have joined forces to save Australia’s super yacht industry and make nautical history in the process.

When complete, they can lay claim to having helped create the biggest aluminium trimaran super yacht in the world.

At 84m long (longer than Perth’s Swan Bell Tower is tall) and 19m wide, and with enough accommodation for 22 guests and 30 crew, it will also be the biggest super yacht built in Australia.

The team, which numbered more than 300 at the peak of the project, is due to finish its three-and-a-half-year mission to deliver this dream vessel, dubbed White Rabbit Golf, to a wealthy Singaporean client before the middle of next year.

Echo Yachts, based at Henderson, is undertaking the prestigious job, which director Mark Stothard said was a lifeline for Australia’s super yacht industry.

Source: Echo Yachts: White Rabbit Golf, biggest super-yacht to be built in Australia | Perth Now

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