Friday, July 28, 2017

Russian Seizes 2 U.S. Properties and Orders US Embassy to Cut Staff

Russia on Friday seized two American diplomatic properties and ordered the United States Embassy in Moscow to reduce its staff by September, the government’s first retaliatory steps against new American sanctions.

The move, which Russia had been threatening for weeks, came a day after the United States Senate approved a measure expanding economic sanctions against Russia, as well as Iran and North Korea. The bill, mirroring one passed by the House on Tuesday, now goes to President Trump for his signature.

It is unclear whether Mr. Trump will sign. Given the Congressional investigations into possible collusion between his campaign and the Kremlin, as well as the Republican majorities in the House and the Senate, he is under considerable pressure not to veto them.

But the White House has been ambivalent about whether Mr. Trump will sign, during his campaign for the presidency, he pledged to improve ties with Russia.

There was no immediate response from the American Embassy, which had said it was waiting for official notification of any Russian moves.

The statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry said the United States Embassy was asked to reduce its diplomatic and technical staff in Russia to 455 by Sept. 1, matching the number of Russian diplomats in the United States.

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