Saturday, July 29, 2017

Labor MP Justine Keay dodges queries over UK citizenship

The validity of Justine Keay’s election is the latest to come under scrutiny as she refuses to provide proof she renounced her UK citizenship.

Federal Labor MP Justine Keay has refused to reveal when the UK formally revoked her citizenship, amid questions about the validity of her election.

Key points:

  • Justine Keay won’t say when she renounced her UK citizenship or provide proof
  • Section 44 of the constitution disqualifies dual nationals from governing
  • Two Greens senators have resigned, one Nationals senator has stood down from Cabinet over s44

The Tasmanian MP was a dual-British citizen before the 2016 election, and has not said when the renunciation was officially confirmed.

In a statement, a spokesperson for Ms Keay said: “Justine’s renunciation was received by the UK Home Office before the close of nominations, and she was cleared by the party to stand.”

The ABC asked Ms Keay for a copy of the declaration of renunciation, but the request was denied.

Tasmanian Liberal senator Jonathon Duniam called on Ms Keay to make the document public.

Source: Labor MP Justine Keay dodges queries over UK citizenship – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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