Friday, July 28, 2017

Ben Cousins’ dad says AFL too soft on drugs

THE father of jailed football star Ben Cousins has called on the AFL to get tougher earlier on players who test positive to illicit drugs, saying the existing penalties for a player’s “first strike” are feather light.

Bryan Cousins visits his son every other week in prison. The Brownlow medallist’s addiction to methamphetamine and other drugs led him to a 12-month prison term this year.

The former West Coast skipper’s problems are explored in a book about the life of Wally Foreman, who died of a heart attack in 2006. Foreman was one of Mr Cousins’ closest friends.

In the book, written by Foreman’s son Glen, Mr Cousins candidly describes how Ben’s substance abuse problems escalated quietly but drastically.

As he prepares to help launch the book today, Mr Cousins saidthat after a decade of experience of the effects of drug addiction, he was convinced a “zero tolerance” policy on drugs in sport would not work.

“Tell me what that is? Because if it is saying anyone who is caught with anything is thrown out of that sport, then what are you going to do with that person when they are gone?

“What can happen … is that they then only associate with other drug users,” he said.

“On the other hand, of the three or four large drug rehab centres, almost all the counsellors there were on drugs themselves at one point. With help and understanding, they are now helping people to get off drugs.”

He said what could help the AFL prevent another outcome like Ben’s would be a tougher response to any player who tested positive to an illicit substance.

Under the AFL’s illicit drugs policy, a player with a first strike receives a $5000 fine while also undergoing counselling and target testing.

“After the first strike, at the moment they hit them with a feather,” Mr Cousins said…

Source: Bryan Cousins says ‘first strike’ penalties are feather light | Perth Now

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