Tuesday, July 25, 2017

BREAKING Lib Minister Matt Canavan could be dual-Italian citizen and may have to resign

Attorney-General George Brandis and Matt Canavan to hold press conference on Tuesday afternoon.

Turnbull government cabinet minister Matthew Canavan looks to have been caught out as the third member of Parliament to hold dual citizenship, potentially disqualifying him from the Senate.

Senator Canavan will address media shortly alongside Attorney-General George Brandis.

Federal MPs are not allowed to serve as dual citizens under section 44 of the constitution.

Greens co-deputies Scott Ludlam and Larissa Waters were forced to resign over the past fortnight after discovering they were dual citizens.

Mr Ludlam resigned on July 14 after being recently told he was a New Zealand dual national. Ms Waters resigned last Tuesday after learning she was a Canadian dual citizen.

Source: Resources Minister Matt Canavan could be dual-Italian citizen and may have to resign

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