Tuesday, April 18, 2017

UK election putting an end to Labour Party? All Conservative leaders since Churchill has dreamed of

Though it may have taken some time, Theresa May has finally woken up and seen sense, writes PETER OBORNE. She had repeatedly ruled out even the possibility of calling a General Election.

Mrs May has the opportunity to secure for herself a personal mandate as Prime Minister. She can negotiate Brexit on her own terms. She can win the substantial parliamentary majority she desperately needs, rather than scrape by on a tiny majority that barely stretches past single figures. And she can change British politics for ever.

I believe this will be one of the most important elections in British democratic history because it gives Mrs May the chance to do what every Tory leader since Winston Churchill has yearned to achieve: put an end to the Labour Party once and for all.

The brutal fact is that Labour cannot survive as a mass political party after the General Election on June 8. Jeremy Corbyn’s restless rabble now stands at 23 per cent in the opinion polls…

Source: General election 2017 will be momentous says PETER OBORNE | Daily Mail Online

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