Monday, April 17, 2017

Marine Le Pen attacked on stage by ‘topless’ woman with bunch of flowers – after violent street clashes between protesters and cops

MARINE Le Pen was attacked on stage by a topless woman with with a bunch of flowers as her campaign rally was marred by protesters throwing missiles at police.

The French right-wing leader addressed around 5,000 Front National (FN) supporters at the Zenith concert hall in the north of the city this afternoon, ahead of the upcoming presidential elections.

But there was chaos on the streets outside as menacing masked demonstrators dressed in black clashed with cops.

Troublemakers hurled objects including rocks, chunks of wood and smoke bombs at riot police standing between them and the venue.

Officers were seen firing tear gas back in an attempt to keep the mob at bay.

MORE: Marine Le Pen attacked on stage by ‘topless’ woman with bunch of flowers – after violent street clashes between protesters and cops

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