Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Lone beaver leads curious cattle around Canadian farm

Canadian ranch owners noticed something strange about their cattle when they decided to pay a them visit on Good Friday.

On their mid-afternoon check on their Ituna property in Saskatchewan, Adrienne Ivey and her husband Aaron found all of their 150 heifers crowded around in one tight group.

“We expected maybe a new calf, but what we actually found was possibly the most Canadian thing we have ever witnessed on our ranch,” Ms Ivey wrote on her blog.

They saw the heifers were following a beaver happily leading the herd around the pasture.

Ms Ivey recorded the scene: the cattle were tentatively following a lone beaver.

In the video, the cows take turns to get closer to the beaver for a quick sniff, before retreating back to the group.

Ms Ivey said her livestock “were enchanted by the cute little guy and followed him everywhere”.

Source: Lone beaver leads curious cattle around Canadian farm – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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