Wednesday, April 19, 2017

African and Pacific Islander youth ‘angriest’ in Victoria

African and Pacific Islander youths are part of the angriest group of criminals Victoria has ever seen, police have said.

Teenagers of African and Pacific Islander descent were on Wednesday identified among a violent group of the state’s 200 most ‘hardcore’ youths- who on average commit 47 crimes a year each, The Australian reported.

During an inquiry into youth justice centres Victoria Police Deputy Commissioner Stephen Leane said these groups felt ‘locked out’ of society.

They were committing violent crimes such as carjackings or aggravated robbery as a first offence, rather than progressing from a minor offence, Mr Leane said.

‘You have got young men who are angry and who have the capacity to actually play out their anger,’ Mr Leane said.

‘We are seeing a different cohort of new offender arrive on the scene in the Victorian community and that new cohort is different and distinct from the cohort we have had for the all of the time I have been in policing, and that is 35 years.’

Source: African and Pacific Islander youth ‘angriest’ in Victoria | Daily Mail Online

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