Sunday, April 16, 2017

Kim Jong-un’s some missiles are FAKE and were wobbling during parade. Footage shows others were hilariously bent

TERRIFYING new missiles proudly unveiled in a parade by North Korean tyrant Kim Jong-un may be FAKE, experts claim.

The weapons, unveiled during a parade marking 105 years since the state’s found Kim Il-sung was born, caused fears around the world that the secretive nation’s nuke programme is far more advanced than previously thought.

Chad O’Carroll, managing director of specialist service NK News, expressed doubts after seeing the nosecone of one of the final group of missiles “wobbled quite noticeably”.

And Lee Il-Woo, a senior analyst at the private Korea Defence Network, told AFP: “I suspect they all might be mock-ups aimed to impress the outside world.”

Meanwhile, BBC footage of the parade shows some of the rockets appear to have wonky nosecones.

Today White House national security adviser H. R. McMaster said that North Korea’s missile test was provocative and that the United States was working with its allies, including China, to develop a range of options.

Source: Kim Jong-un’s terrifying new missiles are FAKE and were wobbling during parade, experts claim – as footage shows others were hilariously bent

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