Sunday, April 16, 2017

Australian police investigate Russians over $30 million

The Australian Federal Police has been given the green light to pursue nine Russians over $30 million alleged to be the proceeds of crime.

The Supreme Court in Queensland last month granted the AFP the right to apply for orders to further investigate the group over money frozen in bank accounts back in December 2013.

The Russians are alleged to have deposited the mystery millions into Surfers Paradise, Queensland bank accounts between April 6, 2011 and August 23, 2013, The Courier-Mail reported.

But the Russians are also fighting to get the money back, arguing the AFP has already had ample time to investigate them.

The AFP believes the Russian’s modest incomes do not stack up with the millions frozen across 24 bank accounts.

One of the group has a reported annual salary of $24,000 but the money frozen in his bank account tops out at $11.8 million.

The nine Russians are said to have claimed interests in business in Siberia.

The AFP’s was meant to investigate the group via a video link between Brisbane and Irkutsk, southern Siberia in late 2015 but the Russian Government did not provide formal approval.

Source: Australian police investigate Russians over $30 million | Daily Mail Online

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