Thursday, August 24, 2017

Trump rebuked by Republicans after threat to shut down Government over border wall

US President Donald Trump’s fellow Republicans have rebuked him after his threat to shut down the US Government over funding for a border wall rattled markets and cast a shadow over congressional efforts to raise the country’s debt ceiling and pass spending bills.

Key points:

  • Mr Trump has threatened a shutdown if Congress did not agree to fund constructing the wall
  • Congress will have about 12 working days when it returns on September 5 to approve spending measures
  • White House says Mr Trump will work with Congress to fund the wall because he “ran on it, won on it”

“I don’t think anyone’s interested in having a shutdown,” the top Republican in Congress, House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan, told reporters on Wednesday in Hillsboro, Oregon, where he visited an Intel factory.

Mr Ryan said building a wall along the country’s border with Mexico to deter illegal immigration was necessary, but added that the government did not have to choose between border security and continuing operations.

In a speech on Tuesday, Mr Trump threatened a shutdown if Congress did not agree to fund constructing the wall, a signature promise of his presidential campaign, which added a new complication to Republicans’ months-long struggle to reach a budget deal.

After Mexico rejected a chief part of Mr Trump’s promise — that it would pay for the wall — the President said the United States would fund it initially and be repaid by its southern neighbour. Lawmakers, including many Republicans, have not made that funding a top priority, as some question the necessity of a wall.

Source: Donald Trump rebuked by Republicans after threat to shut down Government over border wall – Donald Trump’s America – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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