Thursday, August 24, 2017

‘Not acceptable’: Turnbull slams Abbott after drunkenness. + We pay for these Clowns!

The prime minister has taken Tony Abbott to task for passing out drunk in parliament in 2009 and missing critical votes on the Rudd government’s global financial crisis spending bills.

Malcolm Turnbull knew Mr Abbott was asleep in his office and unable to be roused after a boozy dinner with colleagues, but there was nothing he could do.

“It’s clearly not acceptable or admirable in any way,” he told Neil Mitchell on 3AW radio on Friday.

Then-Labor treasurer Wayne Swan also weighed in on Mr Abbott, saying his recklessness knew no bounds.

Mr Abbott has laughed off his night in the members-only dining room in early 2009 when “quite a few bottles of wine were consumed” between three MPs.

“There was one famous occasion when Peter Costello, Kevin Andrews and I hung out rather a long time here,” he will say in an upcoming episode of the ABC television series The House.

“I think quite a few bottles of wine were consumed by the three of us. Peter was close to leaving at that stage, and I think all of us were in a mellow and reflective mood, so the reflections went on for longer, and later, than they
should have.”

Mr Abbott, who was a member of Mr Turnbull’s then- shadow ministry, admitted he slept through several divisions.

Source: ‘Not acceptable’: Turnbull slams Abbott after admission of drunkenness | SBS News

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