Saturday, August 26, 2017

Government to end financial support for up to 100 asylum seekers

Photo published for Government to end financial support for up to 100 asylum seekers

Up to 100 asylum seekers living in the community will be served with ‘final departure bridging visas’ that will remove all financial support.

The Turnbull government has confirmed asylum seekers who have been transferred to Australia for medical treatment will be sent back to detention facilities on Nauru or Manus Island, or back to their country of origin.

Human Services Minister Alan Tudge could not confirm the precise number involved but said there wouldn’t be any further provision of taxpayer support in Australia.

“It is consistent with the principle that anybody who arrives by boat to our shores won’t be settled in Australia,” Mr Tudge told ABC television on Sunday.

“They will be settled elsewhere. That’s what this is about.”

Fairfax Media reported leaked documents show financial support could be cut to 100 asylum seekers.

It says the group will be issued on Monday with what’s called a “final departure Bridging E Visa” that cuts the $200 a fortnight that they had been receiving and gives them three weeks to find their own accommodation.

They will also have to make arrangements to quit the country.

“You will be expected to support yourself in the community until departing Australia, the Immigration Department’s letter states, Fairfax Media says.

Asylum seekers will be responsible for all their living costs like food, clothing and transport and be expected to sign the Code of Behaviour when released into the Australian community.

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