Saturday, August 26, 2017

Couple missing after jumping into crocodile-infested river to flee police

Northern Territory police hold grave fears for two people who tried to evade a police roadblock by jumping into the Mary River, a waterway known for its high crocodile numbers.

NT Police said they are seeking information from anyone on the whereabouts of 19-year-old Caitlyn Munnich and 25-year-old Raphael Woodhouse.

“Police had set up a random road block,” a NT Police spokeswoman said.

“When they tried to stop the car it evaded police.

“Police followed until the car pulled off into bush.

“The pair ran from the car and were seen running towards the river and they jumped in the river.”

The Mary River is said to be home to the highest concentration of crocodiles in the Top End.

Three other people were in the car at the time and are assisting police with their enquires.

‘Mary River system is full of salt water crocodiles’

Source: Crocodile fears: Caitlyn Munnich and Raphael Woodhouse jumped into Mary River to flee police – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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